
Friday, 9 March 2012

What is karma according to Gita?

Lord krishna first brings the topic of karma in the 39th sloka of chapter 2
                    esa te ’bhihita sankhye buddhir yoge tv imam shrinu
                 buddhya yukto yaya partha karma-bandham prahasyasi

English Translation-This knowledge which I have imparted to you, O Parth is related to Gyan Yog, the Way of knowledge, and now you should listen to me on Karm Yog, the Way of Selfless Action, with which you can successfully sever the fetters of action as well as its consequence (karm).’’

Krishn tells Arjun that the knowledge, he has spoken of, is related to the Way of Knowledge. What knowledge is it except that Arjun should fight? The substance of the Way of Discrimination or Knowledge is only that if we fight according to our disposition after a careful appraisal of our capacity as well as of profit and loss, we shall attain to the state of ultimate bliss if we win, and to heavenly,godlike existence even if we are vanquished. There is gain in both cases. If we do not act, others will speak disparagingly of us and look upon us as having retreated like cowards, and we shall be disgraced. So to forge ahead on the path of action with a careful understanding of one’s innate nature is itself the Way of Knowledge or Discernment.

So Krishn asks Arjun to listen to him while he speaks of the Way of Selfless Action, armed with which he can effectively destroy the bonds of action and its consequence. Here the Yogeshwar has, for the first time, spoken of karm, although without explaining what it is. Instead of dwelling upon the nature of action, he describes its  characteristic traits.
Then he says in the next sloka describing the characterestics of Karma...
                      nehabhikrama-naso ’sti, pratyavayo na vidyate
                sv-alpam apy asya dharmasya, trayate mahato bhayat

English Translation-Since selfless action neither wears out the seed from which it sprang nor has any adverse consequence, even a partial observance of this dharm liberates (one) from the dire terror (of repeated birth and death)”
In the performance of action without coveting the fruits thereof, the initial impulse or the seed is not destroyed. It also does not give rise to any evil. So selfless action, even though done in small measures, frees us from the great fear represented by birth and death. That necessitates reflecting over the nature of such action and walking at least a few steps along its path. Worshippers who have renounced the vanity of earthly possessions have trodden this path, but so can those who lead the life of householders. Krishn tells Arjun to just sow the seed, for the seed is never destroyed.
He then states in the next sloka...
               vyavasayatmika buddhir, ekeha kuru-nandana
            bahu-sakha hy anantas ca, buddhayo ’vyavasayinam

                                             -B.G.CHAP2-SLOKA 41
English Translation-“On this auspicious path, O Kurunandan (Arjun), the resolute mind is one, but the minds of the ignorant are divided and many’’

The mind which is earnestly and firmly oriented to selfless action is unified. Selfless action is only one and its outcome is also one. Spiritual accomplishment is the only true achievement, The gradual realization of this attainment by fighting against forces of the material world is an enterprise. This enterprise and resolute action, with a single goal are also one and the same. 
So, it is clear that there is a certain specific action that needs to be done But what is that action but what is that action Lord krishna doesn't say it as yet. He says in the 47th 
         karmany evadhikaras te, ma phalesu kadacana
     ma karma-phala-hetur bhur, ma te sango ’stv akarmani

English Translation- “Since you are entitled only to the performance of action

but never to the fruits thereof, you should neither desire rewards of action nor be drawn to inaction.”   
So, it is cleared by Lord krishna that while performing this specific action or job you should not keep any desires of fruits of action. In other words you should have no desires while performing action, but what is the action that needs to be done? 

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