For most of us reality is what we experience through
our senses daily and at every moment of our life and is most comforting….But is
it truly what reality is?...think again…For example I feel that I am sitting
pretty comfortably in my chair while writing this article but actually speaking
I am zooming through the space at around 64000miles per hour around the sun.
When we touch our body or anything around for example table we fill that it is
solid but actually most of it is empty space. Physicists are trying everyday to
decode reality but defining reality is turning out to be pretty illusive. When
it comes to understand what makes up the objects that we think to be real
around us what physicist do is to smash them with each other. Through these
experiments it was discovered that all elements are made up of atoms which are
further made up of a tiny nucleus of positively charged protons and neutral
neutrons. Most of the space inside the atoms is actually empty space and then
there are electrons which revolve around the positively charged nucleus. To
further understand what protons are made of they smashed two protons. But
instead of getting one or two particles which they could name as elementary
what they got was hundreds of particles comprising of baryons and mesons
(together they were called as particle zoo).
the question was which one of them was elementary? For the answer to this profound question the experimental physicists had to turn towards theoretical physicists who came up with the standard model which became the basic elementary particles of reality from which our entire reality was made of including the four primary forces of nature. (or was it?)
Now we return to the question asked by
experimental physicists. They turned towards theoretical physicists for help,
who came up with standard model of elementary particles. The constituents of
the universe according to the standard model come in two categories, the field
sector and the particle sector. In the field sector we have got 12 gauge fields
the four electroweak fields that includes the photon (γ, W+,W-,Z) and the eight
gluon fields(G1,G2,…G8) their quanta are all particles with one unit of quantum
attribute called spin exactly like the first and most familiar among them, the
photon. All such particle having integral spin belong to the family of
particles called bosons (this obeys what is called Bose Einstein statistics).
particle sector consists of spin 1/2 particles belonging to other great family
of “fermions”(Particles that obey Fermi-Dirac statistics). Most matter on earth
are however made up of the quark doublet (up and down quark) and the two
leptons (v,
e). However nature has chosen to repeat this quartets two more times so that
there actually exist three “generations” of particle quartets each consisting
of a quark doublet and a lepton doublet.
Now the question that arises is why three
generations? Related to this question is another more profound question- How is
everything including the forces of nature that we know today come into being??
For this we have to study a cosmological phenomenon- The Big Bang!
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