
Sunday, 13 May 2012


I dedicate this poem of mine as a humble tribute to one of the two living gods I have seen every day from my child hood

Many made promises of staying forever with me,
But during my tough times I found only thee…
I didn’t care for you when my pastures were greener,
When my eyes saw the world through gold tinted glasses of pleasure;
Then you stood at one corner,
Wiping silently your tears, but I didn’t bother.
But when tough times came upon me,
All my fair-weather friends started to flee
I cried for a helping hand,
But they were too busy to help me stand;
When all others had fled,
You ran towards me instead.
You yourself fell in the process,
But made sure I stand up and make progress.
You protected me from rough weather,
You are none but my sweet mother…..
                       -Debabrata Banerjee  

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Two old questions

For days I have travelled on the face of earth,
With two questions plaguing my mind;
On a beautiful day in my youthful guilessness,
When the dawn of knowledge,
had still not removed the veil of ignorance;
I had asked it to his omniscience.
who am I? and for what purpose I am here?
‘Seek and ye shall find’ was his only answer.
So as days become months and months turned to years
I kept searching for the answer everywhere
I played the role of child, husband and father
Each time trying to find the true answer
I assumed my duty was to perform those roles
But when I looked around, I found everybody doing those
And so I have kept searching over the years…
To find answers to the questions I asked in my tender years.
Even now as the curtain on my life is about to descent;
I ask the same questions again to the omniscient…
Who am I? and for what purpose I am here?
Who knows if I will get my answer before my act is over……

 -Debabrata Banerjee