
Thursday, 24 January 2013

Ssshhh! Listen

Ssshhh! Listen

Listen calmly O my mind!
To the most beautiful music you can ever find.
In the silence of this moment,
Listen as the universe sings to praise the omniscient.
Let go O my mind,
All your fears dragging you behind,
Let go all your worries,
And like a bird flying in the high skies,
Let your dreams fly like kites.
Believe, believe O my mind;
Believe that you are divine
Believe that neither death nor destruction is for you,
And search for that true bliss lying within you.
Believe in the love of your heavenly father,
Believe that you are neither earth, water, fire nor ether
Nor any of those combined together
You are what your soul says,
You are pure consciousness.

                                                                                               -Debabrata Banerjee