The first breakthrough in understanding
consciousness came in 1929, when German neurologist Hans Berger used electrodes
placed on the skulls of subjects to measure electrical activity within the
brain. Called the Electroencephalogram (EEG), it allowed Berger to discover two
types of electrical activity, called alpha and beta waves, that seemed to be
linked with key aspects of consciousness.
Whatever consciousness is, it is likely to be linked to so-called brain
waves- the rhythmic flows of electrical activity between neurons. Hard-working brains show the
fastest type- beta waves with frequencies up to 40 cycles a second (Hz), while
resting brains typically show slower, larger amplitude alpha waves. Drowsiness
or meditation produces even slower theta waves of 4-7 Hz, while delta waves of
just 1-4 Hz appear only during sleep.
Although its systematic study has only just
begun, consciousness- in the opinion of some eminent scientists’ today- is an
absolutely fundamental part of this universe and cannot simply be computed away
as airy metaphysics.
Having to embrace the concurrent existence of
complementary properties to explain the quantum world- such as the simultaneous
existence of both wave and particle nature for electrons- paves the way for
science to find an essential link between consciousness and primary field. From
this viewpoint the fundamental realities of the primary field and consciousness
are inseparable aspects of the same underlying process.
Bohm has named this underlying process the implicate order. Basil Hiley
suggests: “Mind and matter are but different projections from the deeper
implicate order where such a division does not exist.” He also emphasizes that
“the implicate order is not some woolly metaphysical construction, it is precisely
a description of the underlying process,” which
is supported by credible mathematical analysis.
Since coherent superposition is an inherent
characteristic of the quantum world, space and time are not expected to be mere
numbers at some level. At the deepest level of space even the Plank’s
dimensions can be deemed merely as expectation. Bohm and Hiley call this
pre-space, which gives rise to John wheeler’s proposed pre-geometry. At the
pre-space level according to Bohm and Hiley, the universe is an undivided whole-everything
is connected to everything else, and made coherent by the self-organizing
property of the quantum potential.
The essence of the implicate order is the one
source that unfolds both the primary field (the common source of at least
everything physical) and consciousness. Based upon this thesis, it would be
logical to infer that the one source of the world’s great spiritual traditions is grounded in
scientific reality.
Schrödinger believed in the Vedic concept
that all conscious beings are aspects of that same universal entity.(“filled
with Brahman are the things we see, filled with Brahman are the things we see
not. From out of Brahman floweth all these, from Brahman all, yet he is still
the same.”- Isha Upanishad).
Expressed in terms of our scientific worldview
today, consciousness would be manifest when the individual brains quantum state
is in resonance with the cosmic potentiality of consciousness. After
Schrödinger, we may humbly assert that we are all equipped to be tuners of the
universal source of consciousness....
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